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Friday, August 23, 2024

WBCHSE all subject's subject code

WBCHSE all subject subject code

Set I
  • Physics (PHYS) or Nutrition (NUTN)
  • Chemistry (CHEM)or Geography (GEGR)
  • Economics (ECON) or Anthropology (ANTH)  or Science of Well Being (SOWB)
  • Mathematics (MATH) or Agriculture(AGRI)
  • Biological Science (BIOS)
  • Statistics (STAT) or Phychology (PSYC)
  • Computer Science (COMS) or Modern Computer Application (COMA) or Environment Studies (ENVS) or Health & Physical Education (HPED) or Visual Arts (VISA) or Music(MUSC)
  • Cyber Security (CBST) or Artificial Intelligence (ARTI) or Data Science (DTSC)
  • One Vocational out of 16 subjects [(1) It & Ites (ITEV), (2) Automobile (ATMV), (3) Organised Retailing (ORTV), (4) Security (SEUV), (5) Health Care (HLCV),, (6) Electronics (ELTV), (7) Tourism & Hospitality (THLV), (8) Plumbing (PLBV), (9) Construction (CNSV), (10) Apparel (APLV), (11) Beauty & Wellness (BWLV), (12) Agriculture (AGLV) & (13) Power (POWV)] ,(14) Banking Financial Services & Insurance (BSIV) ,(15) Food Processing (FDPV), (16) Telecom (TELV) offered by Council which may be selected as optional elective subject only.
Set II
  • Accountancy (ACCT)
  • Business Studies (BSTD)
  • Commercial Law and Preliminaries of Auditing (CLPA) or Statistics (STAT)
  • Costing and Taxation (CSTX)
  • Economics (ECON) or Science of Well Being (SOWB) or Applied Artificial Intelligence (APAI)
  • Modern Computer Application (COMA) or Environment Studies (ENVS) or Health & Physical Education (HPED) or Visual Arts (VISA) or Music(MUSC)
  • Mathematics (MATH)
  • One Vocational out of 16 subjects [(1) It & Ites (ITEV), (2) Automobile (ATMV), (3) Organised Retailing (ORTV), (4) Security (SEUV), (5) Health Care (HLCV),, (6) Electronics (ELTV), (7) Tourism & Hospitality (THLV), (8) Plumbing (PLBV), (9) Construction (CNSV), (10) Apparel (APLV), (11) Beauty & Wellness (BWLV), (12) Agriculture (AGLV) & (13) Power (POWV)] ,(14) Banking Financial Services & Insurance (BSIV) ,(15) Food Processing (FDPV), (16) Telecom (TELV) offered by Council which may be selected as optional elective subject only.
  • Political Science (POLS) or Biological Science (BIOS)
  • Education (EDCN) or Nutrition (NUTN)
  • Journalism & Mass Communication (JMCN) or Sanskrit (SNSK) or Persian (PRSN) or Arabic (ARBC) or Mathematics (MATH) or Agriculture (AGRI)
  • Philosophy (PHIL)
  • Sociology (SOCG)
  • Economics (ECON) or Anthropology (ANTH) or Science of Well Being (SOWB)  or Applied Artificial Intelligence (APAI)
  • History (HIST) or Phychology (PSYC)  or Statistics (STAT)
  • Geography (GEGR) or Human Development & Resource Management (HDRM)
  • Music (MUSC) or Visual Arts (VISA) or Health & Physical Education (HPED) or Modern Computer Application (COMA) or Environment Studies (ENVS)
  • One Vocational out of 16 subjects [(1) It & Ites (ITEV), (2) Automobile (ATMV), (3) Organised Retailing (ORTV), (4) Security (SEUV), (5) Health Care (HLCV),, (6) Electronics (ELTV), (7) Tourism & Hospitality (THLV), (8) Plumbing (PLBV), (9) Construction (CNSV), (10) Apparel (APLV), (11) Beauty & Wellness (BWLV), (12) Agriculture (AGLV) & (13) Power (POWV)] ,(14) Banking Financial Services & Insurance (BSIV) ,(15) Food Processing (FDPV), (16) Telecom (TELV) offered by Council which may be selected as optional elective subject only.

চুক্তিভিত্তিক উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষক, প্যারা শিক্ষক, এসএসকে এবং এমএসকে শিক্ষক, একাডেমিক সুপারভাইজার, আশা কর্মী, অনারারি স্বাস্থ্যকর্মী, অঙ্গনওয়ারি কর্মী, অঙ্গনওয়ারি হেল্পার, সিভিক ভলান্টিয়ার, গ্রাম পুলিশ ভলান্টিয়ার, হোম গার্ড ভলান্টিয়ার, অক্সিলিয়ারি ফায়ার অপারেটর ইত্যাদির রিটায়ার্ড বেনিফিট বাড়ানো হলো

Sunday, August 4, 2024

পশ্চিমবঙ্গের বিদ্যালয়গুলোর জন্য ল্যাব গ্রান্ট দিল পশ্চিমবঙ্গ শিক্ষা দপ্তর

 উচ্চমাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয়গুলোর ল্যাবের পরিকাঠামো উন্নতির জন্য বিদ্যালয়গুলিকে ২৩০৯৩০০০০ টাকার অনুদান দেওয়া হচ্ছে । যে সমস্ত বিদ্যালয়ে পিজিক্স, কেমিস্ট্রি, বায়োলজি ও ভূগোল এর ল্যাব আছে সে সমস্ত বিদ্যালয়ের পরিকাঠামো উন্নয়নের জন্য এই টাকা দেওয়া হচ্ছে । মোট ১০৮৪ টি এরকম বিদ্যালয়কে এই টাকা দেওয়া হচ্ছে প্রাকটিক্যাল এর সুবিধা প্রদানের জন্য ।

নোটিফিকেশন :

Government of West Bengal 

School Education Department 

Planning and Budget Branch 

BikashBhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091 

Memo No:358-SED-18099/41/2020-PB SEC-Dept. of SE Dated:02/07/2024 

From: Joint Secretary 

School Education Department 

Govt. of West Bengal 


The Commissioner of School Education 

Directorate of School Education 

BikashBhavan, 7th Floor 

Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091 

Sub:-Administrative Approval and Financial Sanction towards Laboratory grant for 1084 no. of 

Govt. aided/Sponsored Higher Secondary schools of various districts of West Bengal having 

Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Geography. 

The undersigned is directed by order of the Governor to say that the Governor has been 

pleased to accord Administrative Approval towards Laboratory grant for 1084 no. of Govt. 

aided/Sponsored Higher Secondary schools having Subjects Physics,Chemistry, Biology& 


Name of the Project:Laboratory grant for 1084 no. of Govt. aided/Sponsored Higher Secondary 

schools of various districts of West Bengal having Subjects Physics,Chemistry, Biology & 


Administrative Approval: Rs. 23,09,30,000/- (Twenty three crore nine lakh thirty thousand.) 

Phasing amount and chargeable head of accounts.

Additional Condition

The school authorities as mentioned in the Annexure as the beneficiaries will act as 

implementing agencies. 

 The CSE WB is liable to all disputes/litigation, if raised, being the supervising authority 

of the said project and they will collect U.C. and submit the same in due course in prescribed 



This order is issued with the concurrence of Finance Department vide U.O. No. Group B/2024-

2025/0024 dated 01/07/2024 and Gr. N U.O. 0977 dated 28/06/2024 subject to strict 

observance of all the Financial Rules of the State Government and also subject to availability of 

fund under the HoA.

Pdf download:  link to download 

WBCHSE all subject's subject code

WBCHSE all subject subject code Set I Physics (PHYS) or Nutrition (NUTN) Chemistry (CHEM)or Geograph y (GEGR) Economics (ECON) or...