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Monday, July 10, 2017

Enhancement of the limit of Maternity Leave for the teaching and non-teaching Female, 135 to 180 days

Here is the  notification from the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education that enhance the maternity leave of female teaching and non teaching employee of school. So from that day an employee can take leave of 180 days from maternity. This leave have to take in a without brake. No employee can not take it in part.
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

77/2, Park Street, Kolkata -700 016

Circular No:    S/148                                                                                        Date      03/06/2011

From: The Secretary

W.B. Board of Secondary Education

To    : The Heads of all recognized Secondary Schools.

Sub : Enhancement of the limit of Maternity Leave for the teaching and non-teaching Female employees of all recognized secondary schools.

Heads of all  recognized secondary schools are informed that in terms of Memo no 146-P(F)  dated 14/02/2011  of the Finance Department(Audit Branch ) , Govt. of West Bengal President,  W.B.B.S.E. in exercise of power conferred by Sub-Sect.on (2) of Section (28) of the West Bengal Board of  Secondary Education Act 1963, as amended, has been please to enhance the maternity leave for the teachers and non-teaching female employees of secondary schools for, maximum period of 180 days instead  of existing limit of 135 days on full average pay subject to the existing term and conditions as laid down in Leave Rule 8 vide Education on Department Notification No. 1541-Edn(S) dated 15.12.1977, as amend d

This order will be effective on and from 01-01-2011. Necessary amendments of  the relevant Rules will be made in due course.

Memo No     S/148(1-15)

SD/- P.Roy

Secretary W.B.B.S.E.

Date      03/06/2011


Government of West Bengal
Finance Department
Audit Branch
No : 1146-F(P) Kolkata, the 14th February, 2011

The matter of enhancement of the ceiling of Maternity Leave on the recommendation of the Fifth pay Commission has been under active consideration of the Government for some time past. At present a female State Government employee is entitled to Maternity Leave for 135 days in terms of Rule 199 of West Bengal Service Rule, Part-I read with Finance Department Memo No. 3453-F dt 28.03.01.
After careful consideration of the matter the Governor has been pleased to decide that a female State Government employee may be granted Maternity Leave for a maximum of 180 days subject to the existing terms and conditions as laid down in Rule 199 of the West Bengal Service Rule, Part-I.
This order shall take effect from 01.01.2011.
Necessary amendments of the relevant Rules will be made in due course.

                                                                                        Sd/- S. K. Chattopadhyay
                                                                         OSD & Ex-officio Special Secretary to the
                                                                     Government of West Bengal, Finance Department.

How to correct/ update Aadhaar  data online to know in Bengali watch the video : 

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