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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

GPF calcualtion Excel sheet with automatic form X and Broadsheet for West Bengal Schools Upadated 2024

GPF easy all in one calculation sheet using Excel 

This is a easy calculation sheet prepared by Shafiur Rahaman of ShafTech YouTube channel, You can watch demo of this excel sheet to know how to the GPF Calculation Excel Sheet Works for West Bengal School.

Here you can learn the use the excel sheet from the description with the picture

1. This is the first file that shows while opening the file , that shows the full form of abbreviation .

2.  Go to Next Sheet where you can  put all the detail of PF like TV no , Rate of Interest of  PF, Deposit date, Name of School , PF code of school  and the heading of Form X of GPF 

3. Next tab is OB sheet. Here you will put all employee  name along with Opening Balance of PF account(Closing balance of previous year ) and OSMS employee code .
At the bottom of the all employee the total opening balance of the school will show.

4.  In next sheet you have to enter the monthly deposit of each of employee mention in the OB sheet. All the name of the employee of OB will be auto fill the DEP sheet. You have to enter the first month and all other 11 month will be auto fill if there is no changes in deposit . If the amount of GPF deposit not same as the deposit of March then change it to the respective cell. 

5. In next sheet if any employee deposit any amount through TR7 chalan by self then use this sheet. Put the amount of deposit on the respective month and put the same date as mention in the chalan in the next cell of the amount.

6.  In next sheet if any employee deposit any amount  through TR7 in case of transfer from other school through Treasury then use this sheet. Put the amount of deposit on the respective month and put the same date as mention in the chalan in the next cell of the amount.

7.  In the next sheet if any employee withdrawal any amount for purpose of Loan / Non refundable loan / Final Withdrawal . Put the amount of withdrawal  amount in the respective month and put the date just after the amount box. 

8.  After  that all the calculations will be automatically  generated 

    School ledger 

    Individual Ledger : This sheet shows all the individual ledger of  employee. Print the required pages in PDF as per number of employee  and then print it to hardcopy.

GPF Form X : in this Sheet you can calculate all max 60 employees of your school. If the number of employee less then 60 then to omit the blank rows click on tringle on the top of the Name column. 
as marked in the picture. A menu will appear  , on that menu uncheck the box at the left side of the 0. After that all the blank rows will be hidden. 

 Broad sheet : This is also a automatic calculated sheet . you can  hide it as FORM X. 

Download Link DROPBOX:        Click Here 
Download Link Google Drive :     Click Here 

You can Watch the Video to work with it better way.

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