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Friday, October 13, 2017


WBBPE ONLINE APPLICATION SUBMISSION SYSTEM FOR TET EXAM - 2017 (PRIMARY) You are requested to go through all the questions & answers in this section and also the Advertisement Notification before proceeding for Registration and subsequent submission of Online Application Form for WB TET 2017
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Table of Contents
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WBBPE ONLINE APPLICATION SUBMISSION SYSTEM FOR TET EXAM - 2017 (PRIMARY) General Section Q1. What are the devices that can be used to access the online application form submission portal? Ans : You can use desktop or laptop with an operating system which supports the following browsers: Chrome 40+, Firefox 40+, IE 9+ with minimum resolution of 1024x768. You should not access this portal from any mobile devices. Q2. What will happen if I use a computer or a laptop having browsers other than the recommended one. mentioned above? Ans: In such circumstances, the online application form submission portal may not behave properly. As a result, the data validations may not work properly which may lead to wrong data storage in the system. Q3. What will happen if I use a smart phone or a tablet having android. iOS or windows as it operating system? Ans: We recommend you not to use a smart phone or a tablet for filling up your application form mainly because of the smaller screen size in comparison to a desktop / laptop, which will lead to an increased chance of filling in incorrect data. Furthermore, the application form submission portal may not behave properly. Q4. What will happen if I try to fill my application form from a place having fluctuating / slow internet speed? Ans: If you are experiencing such type of difficulties at the time of submitting your application form, you are requested to wait for some time and allow the speed to stabilize, alternatively allow the webpage to load completely, thereafter fill in requisite details and then proceed to next page. Q5. What are the recommended versions of the Internet browser? Ans : The recommended versions of the browsers are :
Version Supported
Internet Explorer
9 and above
Mozilla Firefox
40 and above
Google Chrome
40 and above
Q6. Despite adhering to all the recommendations, the website does not work and I am unable to complete my application, what should I do? Ans: If the website is not accessible for any reason, please close the Internet browser, delete browsing history, cache & cookies of the web browser and try again.

WBBPE ONLINE APPLICATION SUBMISSION SYSTEM FOR TET EXAM - 2017 (PRIMARY) Registration & Application Section Q7. Who is eligible to Apply? Ans: For eligibility criteria, please refer to the ‘Notification regarding TET, 2017 available in the Board’s official website “”. Q 8. How can I submit my online application? Ans: For submission of online application forms you are required to follow the steps mentioned below:
a) Register yourself with the application receiving portal.
b) Login into the portal using your User ID & Password and follow guided steps.
c) Fill in the application form with all requisite details
d) Upload your Photograph & Signature
e) Check entered details
f) Modify entered details (if required)
g) Make payment.
h) Take printout of your application.
Q 9. What is the application fee? Ans: The applicable fee is as mentioned below:
Application Fees
S.C. / S.T. /
Rs 25/-
Rs 100/-
Q10. How can I pay my Examination fees? Ans : Application fees can be paid via Online Mode only (In this procedure, you can pay the requisite fees using a valid Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking Facility) Q11. I am a new user. How should I register myself with the application receiving portal? Ans: In order to register yourself follow the steps mentioned below:
a) Click on the “Register Yourself” tab, in the home page to go to the registration page.
b) Enter your Name, Email Address, Mobile Number, Gender, Category (Caste), Physically Challenged & Type of Disability and click on the “Send OTP” button.
c) The system will send an OTP to the entered mobile number.
d) Type OTP exactly the same as is received in your mobile in the field “OTP” and click on the “Verify OTP” button.
e) The system will do verification and if found correct, then Registration confirmation message will be displayed.
f) An email will be sent to your registered email ID which will contain your User ID & password for logging into the portal.
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WBBPE ONLINE APPLICATION SUBMISSION SYSTEM FOR TET EXAM - 2017 (PRIMARY) Q12. Can I use my coaching institutes or a friend’s email address and/or mobile number when registering for WB TET 2017? Ans: No. You must provide a valid email address and mobile number of yours or any of your family members. Future correspondence pertaining to your application may be communicated to you via the registered email address / mobile number. Q13. What should I do if I have not received the OTP or have lost the SMS? Ans : If you have not received the OTP or have lost the SMS, click the ‘Resend OTP’ button for resending the same. Q14. What should I do if still do not receive the OTP after clicking on the Resend OTP link? Ans: If you have not received the OTP, it is suggested to ensure that “Do not Disturb” (DND) facility is in deactivated status in your mobile phone. SMS’s may get delayed for numerous reasons and you are advised to check the settings in your mobile phone / get in touch with your mobile service provider. Still if you are unable to get the OTP use a mobile number from a different service provider for your registration. Q15. How can I obtain my User ID & Password? Ans: Upon successful registration, User ID & Password (system generated) are automatically delivered to the email address provided by you at the time of registration. Q16. What do I do if I have not received any email? Ans: Email can get delayed for various reasons, please check your mail box after sometime. You can also check the spam folder of your mail box for the same. If you still cannot find the same, try registration procedure after some time. Q17. Can I change any of the details asked for at the time of registration? Ans: Details submitted at the time of registration cannot be altered/modified after receiving of OTP. If you wish to change any details you are required to do a new registration. Q18. Can I change my mobile number and / or email address after registration? Ans: After your registration is complete there is no provision for change of mobile number and / or your email address. If you wish to change the same you are required to do a new registration. Q19. Which screen appears after I log into the website post registration? Ans: After successful registration, you have to use the system generated User ID and Password (sent to your registered email) to log in to the website. Upon logging in, you will be allowed to proceed for online filling up and submission of application form.
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WBBPE ONLINE APPLICATION SUBMISSION SYSTEM FOR TET EXAM - 2017 (PRIMARY) Q20. I am a registered user. How can I login into the application receiving portal? Ans: In order to login post registration, please follow the steps mentioned below :
a) Click on the “Login Here” tab, in the home page to go to the login page.
b) Enter your user Id & password and click on the “Login” button.
c) The system will check, and if found valid will send you to your application filling page.
Q21. How can I know my last saved password? Ans: There is no provision for getting information pertaining to your last saved password. If you cannot remember the same you have to follow the procedure of “Forgot password” to login into your existing account. Q22. What do I do if I have forgotten my password? Ans: If you have forgotten your password, please follow the steps mentioned below:
a) Click on the “Forgot password” link available under the ‘Login’ button in the login page.
b) A new page will be opened up, enter User Id, Name of the candidate, Mobile No., Gender & Category (Caste) as asked for by the system and click on the ‘Submit’ button.
c) The system will check the same and if entered detail matches with the registered applicant’s database the system will send the last saved password of the applicant into his registered email.
Q23. How shall I submit my online application form? Ans: For submission of online application form you are required to follow the steps mentioned below :
a) Fill in requisite details as has been asked for by the system.
b) In ‘Personal Details’ section fill up the following fields & press ‘Next’ button:
i. Father's/Husband's Name
ii. Mother's Name
iii. Date of Birth (Use the Calendar)
iv. Para Teacher (PBSSM approved Primary Para Teacher) option selection
v. Ex-serviceman option selection
vi. Exempted Category (Land Looser, Ex-Census, etc. certified by the Govt. of West Bengal) option selection
vii. DH (Death-In-Harness) category option selection
viii. Identity Details
c) In ‘Communication Details’ section fill up the following fields & press ‘Next’ button:
i. Address Details
ii. Town/City/Village
iii. District
iv. State/Union Territory
v. Pin Code
vi. Country
d) In ‘Academic Details’ section fill up the following fields & press ‘Next’ button:
i. Name of Board/Council (Class X)
ii. Year of Passing (Class X)
iii. Full Marks (Class X)
iv. Obtained Marks (Class X)
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v. Name of Board / Council (Class XII)
vi. Year of Passing (Class XII)
vii. Full Marks (Class XII)
viii. Obtained Marks (Class XII)
ix. % of Marks
x. Name of University for UG Degree
xi. Under Graduate Degree Course Name
xii. Under Graduate Year of Passing
xiii. Passed the Teacher Training Course
xiv. Recognizing Authority
xv. Passed the Teacher Training course from the Institute
xvi. Passed the Teacher Training course from the State
xvii. Name of the Affiliating Body/ Examining Body
xviii. Year of Passing
xix. Full Marks
xx. Obtained Marks
e) In ‘Examination Appearance’ section fill up the following field & press ‘Next’ button:
i. First Language
f) In ‘Photo & Signature upload’ section fill up the following fields & press ‘Save & Preview’ button:
i. Photo Upload
ii. Signature Upload
g) In Preview Page go through the information filled in by you carefully & press ‘ Download Application Form’ button to download the application form in PDF Format for self review. Here you need to download the Application Form for going to Payment Page.
h) After downloading the application form, ‘Continue for Payment’ button will be visible.
Press this button to go to Payment Page.
i) A confirmation page opens up. Check mark on the “Declaration” box to confirm the declaration.
j) In Payment page pay the fees amount by Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking Facility.
k) Select the payment mode & enter requisite payment details and click on the “Pay Now” tab to complete the transaction process.
l) Upon successfully completing your transaction process you will automatically be returned back to the application submission portal.
m) Click on the “Print Your Application” tab to open your application form, a copy of the same automatically gets downloaded into your computer.
n) Take printout of the same for future reference.
Q24. How could I know that my application form has been successfully submitted into the online application form submission portal? Ans : The process of submission of online application form ends with making payment for the same. Printouts of application form post payment of fees will contain your fees payment details corresponding to the relevant columns mentioned below: Payment Mode, Payment Type, Payment Amount, Payment Date, Transaction Reference No.
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WBBPE ONLINE APPLICATION SUBMISSION SYSTEM FOR TET EXAM - 2017 (PRIMARY) Q25. How do I know that my fees have been successfully paid? Ans : Upon successful payment, your payment details will get reflected/printed in your application form, in column Payment Mode, Payment Type, Payment Amount, Payment Date, Transaction Reference No. Q26. What do I do, when money has been deducted from my account but the same is not reflecting in my application form/nothing is getting printed in my application form? Ans : In such circumstances please write to help desk mentioning the following : Payment Mode, Payment Type, Payment Amount, Payment Date, Transaction Reference No. Q27. What will happen if I have not paid the application fees? Ans: If you have not paid the applicable application fees within the last date of portal closure, your online application form will not be considered for TET. Q28. I have detected an error in my application form prior to payment of application fees? Ans: Applicants are advised to carefully check all particulars and satisfy themselves that the entered particulars are correct prior to making payment for their application form. For making corrections click on the “Back” tab situated at the bottom of the page to go to the previous page for enabling correction in particulars. Q29. I have made a mistake in my application form and the same has been detected by me after making payment for the same. What to do? Ans: There is no provision for allowing correction in entered particulars in cases where payment has already been made. In such circumstances you should make a new registration and fill in a fresh application form through such registration. Do not send us any request for the same, as the same will not be entertained under any circumstances. Q30. I have made payment and the amount has been deducted from my bank account, but the payment particulars are not getting reflected in my application form. What should I do? Ans : These type of problems arises mainly because of fluctuation / slow internet connection speed resulting in communication gap between two servers. Before attempting for a repayment please check the same with your banker, you are also requested to write to us with the following details : Payment Mode, Payment Type, Payment Amount, Payment Date and Transaction Reference No. Q31.What are the things that are required for filling up the online application form? Ans : Before filling up your online application form keep all your academic testimonial handy. Calculate your percentage (%) of Marks of H.S./ Equivalent by dividing the Marks obtained by the Full Marks multiplied by 100.
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WBBPE ONLINE APPLICATION SUBMISSION SYSTEM FOR TET EXAM - 2017 (PRIMARY) Q32.Can I download my Application Form? Ans : For downloading the online Application Form your computer should have Acrobat Reader 9 and above version installed in it. The file to be downloaded will be in PDF format. If you are unable to download the file please check if your browser has the requisite plug-in installed for the same. Q33. What will happen if my particulars are found to be incorrect? Ans : If any of your entered particulars are found not to be matching with your documents / testimonials, the authorities conducting TET on verification may cancel your candidature. The decision of the authorities conducting TET shall be considered final. Q34. Do I need to send a print out of my application to the Board? If so then to whom it should be addressed to? Ans : No, you are not required to send any printout of your application form to the Board. Applications completed in all respect and for which payment has been successfully made within the stipulated dates, shall be considered valid. You are required to keep the same in safe custody and produce the same only on demand. Q35. How can I contact the Candidate Helpdesk? Ans : The Frequently Asked Question are designed to enable self learning. You are requested to use these tools to guide you through the entire process and help answer most of your queries. In case you still face issues, you can write to us by submitting your query through help desk tab (located in the home page). You are advised not to send us request for scrutiny of your application form or change of any entered details. The same will never be entertained. It is your duty to correctly fill and submit your application form into the portal. DO NOT USE SMART PHONE FOR FILLING UP OF YOUR ONLINE APPLICATION FORM. THE FORM SUBMISSION PORTAL MAY NOT RESPOND PROPERLY AND YOU WILL LAND UP FILLING INCORRECT PARTICULARS.

How to fill online application Of TET 2017

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

How to Apply online for West Baengal Primary TET 2017

WEST BENGAL BOARD OF PRIMARY EDUCATION published Notification for primary  TET examination
How to Apply online for West Bengal Primary TET 2017
It is very easy to apply online from your mobile or laptop or desktop. To apply you need very few basic things
1. Email address & mobile number to register .
2. one passport size photo and signature picture in your mobile or desktop for form fill up.
3.Your Personal and Academic information for form fill up .
4. Your ATM card or Net Banking to pay you West Bengal Primary TET 2017 examination fees .

It will take only few minutes to complete the task with few click and type. And you application for West Bengal Primary TET 2017 done .
If wan to know how you can do it Please watch the video . It will make your task more easy .

Details of submission of such applications will be available on the flowing websites:

Eligible applicants are requested to follow the procedures given below for successful log-in and submission of online application.

1.Visit the website
3.  Generate Login ID
and password after putting inputs In the given fields;
4. Use the Login ID and password as directed to the link;
5. Details will appear before you one after one;
6. The required documents such as Photograph. Signature, ID-Card. Caste Certificate issued by the Govt.of West Bengal etc are to be uploaded as directed. Upload Photo and Signature.
7. Get a print-out of the application before final submission;
8.Pay fees as required in the directed mode;
9. Download the Application Form with e-paid stamp:

How to fill online application of West Bengal Primary TET 2017

Read More:
How to register UCO net banking or ebanking online without going to branch

Tatkal Ticket Booking IRCTC : Reservation, Rules, Timings And New Facility

How to register uco e-banking online without going to branch


Tuesday, October 10, 2017


A.P.C. Bhavan, DK-7/1, Sector-ll, Sail Lake City, Kolkata - 700 091

No 2552/BPE/2G17                                                                                                                          Date. 09 10 2017



In terms of the order of the Department of School Education no. 343-SE/EE/10M-6/2009(Pt-I)(TET) dated 12-05-2017 and in partial modification of the eligibility criteria in our earlier notification dated 12.05.2017, online applications are invited from eligible candidates for appearing at TET 2017 to be conducted by the West Bengal Board of Primary Education.

The applications must fulfil the flowing minimum eligibility conditions, prescribed by NCTE from time to


1.      Higher Secondary /Senior Secondary (or its equivalent 10+2) with at least 50% marks and 2
Year Diploma m Elementary Education (D
. El Ed.).


2.      Higher Secondary' Senior Secondary (or its equivalent 10+2) with at least 50% marks and 4 Years Bachelor of Elementary Education (B. El. Ed.).


3.     Higher Secondary / Senior Secondary (or its equivalent 10+2) with at 'east 50% marts and
having Diploma in Education (Special Education), recognised by the Rehabilitation Council of
India (RCI).


4.      Graduation and Two Year Diploma in Elementary Education (D. EI. Ed.).

Note : 5% relaxation of Marks in Higher Secondary / Senior Secondary or its equivalent examination 10+2 (i.e. 45%) will be allowed for the SC. ST OBC-A, OBC-B, PH Exempted Category, Ex-serviceman and OH (Death-in-harness) category candidates.

Minimum academic qualifications mentioned above obtained after the date of this notification, i.e. 09.10.2017 shall not be accepted.

N 8 : Two Year D. El. Ed Course passed from an institution recognised by the NCTE and affiliated to the examining body notified by the NCTE.

Details of submission of such applications will be available on the flowing websites:

Eligible applicants are requested to follow the procedures given below for successful log-in and submission of online application.

1.           Visit the website


3.           Generate Login ID and password after putting inputs In the given fields;

4.           Use the Login ID and password as directed to the link;

5.           Details will appear before you one after one;

6.           The required documents such as Photograph. Signature, ID-Card. Caste Certificate issued by the Govt.of West Bengal etc are to be uploaded as directed;

7.           Get a print-out of the application before final submission;

8.           Pay fees as required in the directed mode;

9.           Download the Application Form with e-paid stamp:

The websites will open for submission of such online applications from 10-10-2017 and close on 29-10-2017

Details of the procedure for online payment of the exam fees @Rs. 100/* (Rs. 25/- for SC,

ST and PH candidates) and for submission of applications are available in the above

mentioned websites.

For any query dial O33-2337-9313(MondaytoFridaybetween11am&04pm)

How to Apply online for West Bengal Primary TET 2017

Monday, October 9, 2017

How to register UCO net banking or ebanking online without going to branch

How to register UCO net banking or ebanking online without going to branch
UCO online banking or UCO net banking  or UCO e-banking online registration is very easy and safe. To register yourself in the net baking you need very few things. But one thing you must have that is ATM card. The account you want to register in the net banking system you must have ATM card associated with the account . The things you required are
1. Your UCO bank account number. you get it from your UCO bank's passbook.
2. One of your last five transaction. The transaction amount and type of transaction, Dr or Cr.
3. ATM card number , Valid till, PIN number.
4. Your Register Mobile number.

Now go to 
Click on new Click here for registration  .Registration page will open. 

Now fill the require information and check the terms and condition to agree with the terms and condition. Then press the submit button. 

An OTP (One time password ) will send to the register mobile. After receive the OTP enter the OTP in the registration from and confirm the OTP. Next page will open if OTP is correct. 

In the next page you have to fill detail of your ATM card . ATM card nmber, ATM PIN, ATM expiry date.

A new page open. At the top you will get your temporary user ID of UCO e-banking.

In this page create two temporary password one is Login password and another is profile password. 
You must write down the temporary USER ID and remember the password.Press OK button.

Your registration process will complete.

Your User Id will activate within 2 days. After activation of your USER ID login to UCO e-Banking with temporary user id and password. After login you have to create a permanent user id , login password and profile password .

Please watch the video how to register UCO e-banking and subscribe the YouTube Channel.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

How to book online appointment to RPO Regional passport office for enquiry

Form the month of September 2017 it is mandatory to book appoint to RPO before visiting the office. But still now RPO accept the enquiry of non appointment taking enquiry. But it is take less time if you book an appointment before visiting RPO. If you don't have the online booking you have line up with the person who do not have online appointment and the turn comes after the online booking persons and you have to wait long time behind a long queue . So book an appointment online and then go to RPO.  The RPO will be automatically selected as per your passport application. So Just open the    and log in. if your account not active or forget your password then click on forget password and reset your password then log in to your account.

To book an appointment online
1. go to 
2. Click on Existing User Login
3. If you unable to login , reset the password .
4. then click on the view save submitted application
5. check the application for that you want to book an appointment.

6. Then click on the schedule appointment for passport office. It will select RPO as per your application.
7. schedule the appointment and print the appointment copy.

Watch the video for more detail

Tatkal Ticket Booking IRCTC : Reservation, Rules, Timings And New Facility

Tatkal facility is meant for passengers who have to undertake a train journey at a short notice. "Kindly check general quota availability before opting for Tatkal/Premium Tatkal quota," says the IRCTC or Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation on its website - The Tatkal reservation facility was introduced in 1997 in around 110 trains before it was extended to other trains.

Today, IRCTC processes about 1,30,000 Tatkal transactions daily but a bulk of these Tatkal tickets are booked within minutes of the Tatkal quota opening. Recently, IRCTC, which provides online e-ticket booking facility for Indian Railways, has introduced new facilities for payment against Tatkal tickets. Earlier, these facilities were only available for paying for non-Tatkal tickets. Now they have been extended to Tatkal tickets.
Tatkal Reservation Rules, Timings And Other Details

1) Booking for Tatkal tickets of AC classes open at 10:00 am. For non-AC classes, the Tatkal bookings open at 11:00 am, one day in advance of the actual date of journey (excluding date of journey).

2) No concession is allowed in Tatkal booking.
Tatkal Ticket Cancellation

3) No refund is granted on cancellation of confirmed Tatkal tickets.

4) Where confirmed reservation has been provided to an RAC or waitlisted ticket holder at any time up to final preparation of charts, such a ticket is treated as confirmed.

5) RAC or waitlisted tickets: Refund is made if the ticket is cancelled up to 30 minutes before the scheduled departure, according to the IRCTC website.

6) If a train is running late by more than 3 hours or the train is cancelled, please file Ticket Deposit Receipt (TDR) with proper reason for claiming refund, says IRCTC website -

7) In case of Tatkal ticket issued for travel for more than one passenger, some passengers have confirmed reservation and others are on waiting list, a full refund of fare less clerkage is admissible for confirmed passengers, subject to the condition that entire Tatkal ticket is surrendered for cancellation up to thirty minutes before the scheduled departure of the train, the IRCTC adds.
How To Book Tatkal Tickets Through New IRCTC Facility

 8) IRCTC has introduced new facilities for payment of e-tickets, including Tatkal tickets: ePaylater (powered by Arthashastra Fintech Pvt Ltd) and Pay-On-Delivery (Powered by Anduril Technologies. These options enable to book tickets first and pay later.
(The ePayLater option to book Tatkal tickets via the IRCTC website)

9) While making payment for e-tickets, you have to choose ePaylater/Pay-On-Delivery option. For example, in the ePayLater option, you get the payment link through email and SMS on making your booking. If you are availing the ePayLater option, it asks you to register first.

10) You get up to 14 days to make the payment. Basically, ePayLater pays for you whenever you book a ticket. And you have to pay 3.50 per cent as charges, plus applicable taxes.

(For PNR status, train running status/enquiry, check out, NDTV's brand-new train travel site)

Sunday, October 1, 2017

No. 1167/BPE/2017 Date: 12/05/2017
All concerned are hereby notified that the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET), 2017 for classes I-V will be conducted in terms of the order of the Department of School Education, Govt. of West Bengal vide its memo No. 287-SE(EE)/10M-6/2009 Pt-I(TET) dated 17-04-2017 read with No. 343-SE/EE/10M-6/2009 Pt-I(TET) dated 12-05-2017 for the purpose of recruitment of primary school teachers.
The Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) will be conducted by this Board, on a single day throughout
West Bengal.
Only those persons who have acquired the academic and professional qualifications specified
in the NCTE-Notification dated 23-08-2010 are eligible to apply for the TET, 2017 (set out below) :
(i) Classes I-V
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 2 year Diploma in
Elementary Education (by whatever name known)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and 4 year Bachelor of
Elementary Education (B.El.Ed.)
Senior Secondary (or its equivalent) with at least 50% marks and having Diploma
in Education (Special Education), a course recognized by the Rehabilitation
Council of India (R.C.I.), shall also be considered.
5% relaxation of marks in Senior Secondary or its equivalent examination (i.e.
45%) will be allowed for the SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, PH, EC, Ex-Serviceman
and DH (Death-in-harness) category candidates.
 (ii) As per the Govt. order No. 287-SE(EE)/10M-6/2009 Pt-I(TET) dated 17-04-2017 read with
No. 343-SE/EE/10M-6/2009 Pt-I(TET) dated 12-05-2017 persons who have appeared final
examination of Two Year D.El.Ed. Course from NCTE recognized institutions on the date
of this Notification and the result is not yet published
Persons who have appeared final examination of Two Year D.Ed. (Special Education)
Course from RCI recognized institutions on the date of this Notification and the result is
not yet published shall also be eligible to sit for the TET, 2017.
Minimum academic qualifications mentioned above obtained after the date of this notification, shall
not be accepted. Any such applications submitted shall be rejected.
First Language : Applicants will have to choose any one of the following languages as first
language : Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Nepali, Santhali, Oriya and Telugu. The choice will be on the
basis of the medium of instruction in the school.
Second Language : English (for all)
Qualifying Marks : A candidate who will score 60% and above of the full marks (150) in the TET
will be considered as TET 2017 passed candidate. A relaxation by 5% (i.e. 55%) will be the
qualifying mark for SC, ST, OBC-A, OBC-B, PH, EC, Ex-Serviceman and DH (Death-in-harness).
However, qualifying the TET would not confer a right on any person for recruitment employment
as it is only one of the eligibility criteria for appointment.
The details regarding the submission of online application forms, deposit of fees (Rs. 100/- only
and Rs. 25/- only for SC, ST and PH candidates), date, time and venue of the TET examination etc.
shall be notified in due course.
( Dr. R. C. Bagchi )

How to register uco e-banking online without going to branch

Now you can easily register uco e-banking or net banking from home. You do no need to go to the branch, take preprinted kit , then start net banking . To start net banking you need some basic things
1. Your register mobile number.
2. Your account number.
3. You must have uco atm card to that account.
4. One of last five transaction details (amount , cr/dr).

If you have these things you can start uco net banking .

Open you browser . Write in your address bar or you can search ucoebanking in google or any search engine.
A page will open . At left side you will get a menu . Click on personal banking .
A new window will open . Click on continue.
Log in page will appear . In the right hand side of the login area there will be a link

Not Registered Yet

Click Here for Registration.

Bank at your own convenience, from anywhere at anytime.
For Demo 'Click Here'
Click on first click "click here " for Registration.
After that follow the instructions as per the video.


Create standing instruction for UCO recurring (RD) account and deposit automatically

Now it's time to relax and forget all about remembering the amount and date of one or more uco rd account dates and the most difficult task is stand behind queue. Now you have the solution in hand . If you are smartphone user then just register uco e-banking and give a standing instruction to your e-banking or mobile banking . And relax . Now the question arises how to  do this ? So please watch the video to give standing instruction to your uco rd account . Please watch the video how to make standing instruction to uco rd account . The is no extra charge for giving standing instruction to uco rd account. But you have maintain the required balance on that particular date. If you don't have the required balance on that particular date you will be libel to give fine. So be sure that after giving the standing instruction on that particular date maintain the instructed amount .


Compensatory Leave for Sunday for Examiner/Head Examiner of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education

 রবিবার এর জন্য Compensatory Leave পাওয়া যাবে নং: DS(C)/050/25 তারিখ: ২২.০২.২০২৫ বিজ্ঞপ্তি মাধ্যমিক পরীক্ষা (এসই), ২০২৫-এর পরীক্ষক/প্রধান প...